Source code for cicada.preprocessing.convert_processed_2d_series_to_nwb

from cicada.preprocessing.convert_to_nwb import ConvertToNWB
import yaml
import numpy as np
import hdf5storage
from pynwb.base import TimeSeries

# TODO: Use to be ConvertRasterplotToNWB make it more modulable.
#  could take any 2d array time series that fit the calcium imaging movie such as onsets, peaks, raster_dur
#  raster_dur could be loaded through a npz, npy or .mat file. It could also be predictions
#  then a threshold should be passed as argument. And for predicitons file, a keyword determining the network used to
#  train it should be passed

use to be in the pre_processing_default.yaml
ConvertRasterplotToNWB :
  rasterdur_file_name :
    keyword: ["Raster"]
    keyword_to_exclude: ["._"]
    extension: ["mat"]
    value: ["corrected_rasterdur"]
    keyword: ["data"]
    keyword_to_exclude: ["default"]
    extension: ["yaml"]
    value: []

[docs]class ConvertProcessed2dSeriesToNWB(ConvertToNWB): """Class to convert 2D series to NWB """ def __init__(self, nwb_file): super().__init__(nwb_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_rasterplot_in_memory(rasterplot_file_name, matlab_string, frames_to_add=None): """ Get 2D series data from file Args: rasterplot_file_name (str) : Absolute path to file containing 2D series matlab_string (str) : Key to the data from matlab and npz files frames_to_add (dict) : Key is the frame where you add blank frames and value is the number of frames to add Default is None. Returns: raster (np.array) : Raster data as a 2d array """ if rasterplot_file_name is not None: print(f"Loading Rasterplot") raster_data = hdf5storage.loadmat(rasterplot_file_name) raster = raster_data[matlab_string] nb_cells, nb_frames = np.array(raster).shape if frames_to_add is not None: nb_frames += np.sum(list(frames_to_add.values())) print(f"nb_cells {nb_cells}, nb_frames {nb_frames}") raster_modified = np.zeros((nb_cells, nb_frames), dtype="uint16") frame_index = 0 for frame in range(nb_frames): # adding blank frames if frame in frames_to_add: frame_index += frames_to_add[frame] frame_index += 1 return raster_modified else: print(f"nb_cells {nb_cells}, nb_frames {nb_frames}") return raster
[docs] def convert(self, **kwargs): """Convert the data and add to the nwb_file Args: **kwargs: arbitrary arguments """ super().convert(**kwargs) if "rasterdur_file_name" not in kwargs or not kwargs["rasterdur_file_name"]: raise Exception(f"'rasterdur_file_name' argument should be passed to convert " f"function in class {self.__class__.__name__}") if type(kwargs["rasterdur_file_name"]) == str and kwargs["rasterdur_file_name"].endswith(".mat"): raise Exception(f"'{utils.path_leaf(kwargs['rasterdur_file_name'])}' is a matlab file " f"but no key to access data was provided for function in class {self.__class__.__name__}") rasterdur_file_name = kwargs["rasterdur_file_name"][0] matlab_string = kwargs["rasterdur_file_name"][1] # Create or get the processing module 'ophys' try: mod = self.nwb_file.get_processing_module("ophys") except: mod = self.nwb_file.create_processing_module('ophys', 'contains optical physiology processed data') # Open YAML file with metadata if existing then dump all data in a dict if ("yaml_file_name" in kwargs) and kwargs["yaml_file_name"] is not None: with open(kwargs["yaml_file_name"], 'r') as stream: yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(stream) else: raise Exception(f"'yaml_file_name' attribute should be passed to convert " f"function in class {self.__class__.__name__}") if "frames_to_add" in yaml_data: """ # exemple, give a frame number and how many frames to add after this one # frames added will be blank frames, filled of zeros # this is possible so far only if format is not "external frames_to_add: 2499: 50 4999: 36 """ frames_to_add = yaml_data["frames_to_add"] else: frames_to_add = None # Add rasterplot in the NWB file raster_data = self.load_rasterplot_in_memory(rasterdur_file_name, matlab_string, frames_to_add=frames_to_add) nb_cells, nb_frames = raster_data.shape rasterplot = TimeSeries(name='Rasterplot', data=raster_data, timestamps=np.arange(nb_frames), description='rasterplot') mod.add_data_interface(rasterplot)