Source code for cicada.analysis.cicada_analysis_arguments_handler

from qtpy.QtWidgets import *
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
# to import the Widgets for the GUI
from cicada.gui.cicada_analysis_parameters_gui import *
from cicada.utils.constants import CICADA_VERSION
import yaml

class AnalysisArgument:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Arguments passed to the function can't be named '_widget' or '_final_value'
                - arg_name
                - order_index
                - default_value
                - range_values
                - max_value
                - min_value
                - value_type
                - mandatory
                - description
                - ...
        for attribute_name, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, attribute_name, value)

        self._widget = None

        self._final_value = None

    def get_gui_widget(self):



        # make it crash
        # if self.widget:
        #     return self.widget
                RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SliderWidget has been deleted

        if getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "text":
            self._widget = TextEditWidget(analysis_arg=self)
            return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "float":
            self._widget = FloatLineEditWidget(analysis_arg=self)
            return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "int":
            if hasattr(self, "min_value") and hasattr(self, "max_value"):
                self._widget = SliderWidget(analysis_arg=self)
                return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "bool":
            self._widget = CheckBoxWidget(analysis_arg=self)
            return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "dir":
            self._widget = FileDialogWidget(analysis_arg=self, directory_only=True)
            return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "file":
            extensions = getattr(self, "extensions", None)
            self._widget = FileDialogWidget(analysis_arg=self, directory_only=False, extensions=extensions)
            return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "color":
            self._widget = ColorDialogWidget(analysis_arg=self, show_alpha_channel=False)
            return self._widget
        elif getattr(self, "value_type", None) == "color_with_alpha":
            self._widget = ColorDialogWidget(analysis_arg=self, show_alpha_channel=True)
            return self._widget
        elif hasattr(self, "choices_for_groups"):
            # add_custom_group_field=False,
            #                  custom_group_validation_fct=None, custom_group_processor_fct=None
            add_custom_group_field = getattr(self, "add_custom_group_field", False)
            custom_group_validation_fct = getattr(self, "custom_group_validation_fct", None)
            custom_group_processor_fct = getattr(self, "custom_group_processor_fct", None)
            self._widget = GroupsFromCheckboxesWidget(analysis_arg=self, choices_attr_name="choices_for_groups",
                                                      with_color=getattr(self, "with_color", False),
            return self._widget
        elif hasattr(self, "choices"):
            if getattr(self, "multiple_choices", False):
                self._widget = ListCheckboxWidget(analysis_arg=self, choices_attr_name="choices")
                self._widget = ComboBoxWidget(analysis_arg=self)
            return self._widget
            self._widget = LineEditWidget(analysis_arg=self)
            return self._widget

    def set_argument_value(self, value):
        self._final_value = value

    def set_argument_value_from_widget(self):
        Look in the widget to get the final_value of this argument

        self._final_value = self.get_argument_value()

    def get_family_widget(self):
        Return a string reprenting the family widget to which this argument belongs, or None if it doesn't belong to any

        return getattr(self, "family_widget", None)

    def get_all_attributes(self):
        Return a dict containing all attributes of this argument except for the widget one

        # first we upddate _final_value
        attr_dict = dict()
        for attr_name in self.__dict__.keys():
            if attr_name.startswith("_") and attr_name != "_final_value":
            attr_dict[attr_name] = getattr(self, attr_name, None)

        return attr_dict

    def set_widget_to_default_value(self):
        Set the widget to the default value of this analysis argument


    def set_widget_value_from_saved_data(self, args_content):

            args_content: dict with key the attribute name and value the content


        # if there is no "final_value", then something wrong
        if "_final_value" not in args_content:
            print(f"No final_value found while using set_widget_value_from_saved_data for analysis_argument "

        # first we check if each attribute corresponds the actual one in terms of value
        # for attr_name, attr_value in args_content.items():
        #     if attr_name == "_final_value":
        #         continue

        # _final_value will be set later when the analysis is launched
        # not need to checked if the value is correct, like if the value from a list should be selected
        # and this value doesn't exist, then the widget should handle it by its own

    def is_mandatory(self):

        Returns: boolean, True means the argument is mandatory, so need to have a value

        if hasattr(self, "mandatory"):
            return getattr(self, "mandatory")

        # else if there is a default_value, it means it's not mandatory
        return not hasattr(self, "default_value")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        self == other


        return ((self.is_mandatory(), getattr(self, "order_index", None)) ==
                (other.is_mandatory(), getattr(other, "order_index", None)))

    def __ne__(self, other):
        self != other


        return ((self.is_mandatory(), getattr(self, "order_index", None)) !=
                (other.is_mandatory(), getattr(other, "order_index", None)))

    def __lt__(self, other):
        self < other


        if self.is_mandatory() and (not other.is_mandatory()):
            return True
        if (not self.is_mandatory()) and other.is_mandatory():
            return False

        self_order_index = getattr(self, "order_index", None)
        other_order_index = getattr(other, "order_index", None)
        if (other_order_index is not None) and (self_order_index is None):
            return False
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is not None):
            return True
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is None):
            # then there equals
            return False

        return self_order_index < other_order_index

    def __le__(self, other):
        self <= other


        if self.is_mandatory() and (not other.is_mandatory()):
            return True
        if (not self.is_mandatory()) and other.is_mandatory():
            return False

        self_order_index = getattr(self, "order_index", None)
        other_order_index = getattr(other, "order_index", None)

        if (other_order_index is not None) and (self_order_index is None):
            return False
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is not None):
            return True
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is None):
            # then there equals
            return True

        return self_order_index <= other_order_index

    def __gt__(self, other):
        self > other


        if self.is_mandatory() and (not other.is_mandatory()):
            return False
        if (not self.is_mandatory()) and other.is_mandatory():
            return True

        self_order_index = getattr(self, "order_index", None)
        other_order_index = getattr(other, "order_index", None)
        if (other_order_index is not None) and (self_order_index is None):
            return True
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is not None):
            return False
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is None):
            # then there equals
            return False

        return self_order_index > other_order_index

    def __ge__(self, other):
        self >= other


        if self.is_mandatory() and (not other.is_mandatory()):
            return False
        if (not self.is_mandatory()) and other.is_mandatory():
            return True

        self_order_index = getattr(self, "order_index", None)
        other_order_index = getattr(other, "order_index", None)
        if (other_order_index is not None) and (self_order_index is None):
            return True
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is not None):
            return False
        if (other_order_index is None) and (self_order_index is None):
            # then there equals
            return True

        return self_order_index >= other_order_index

    def get_default_value(self):
        return getattr(self, "default_value", None)

    def get_short_description(self):
        return getattr(self, "short_description", None)

    def get_long_description(self):
        return getattr(self, "long_description", None)

    def get_argument_value(self):
        if self._widget is None:
            return None
        return self._widget.get_value()

[docs]class AnalysisArgumentsHandler: """ Handle the AnalysisArgument instances for a given CicadaAnalysis instance. Allows to create the widgets and get the values to pass to run_analysis() of the CicadaAnalysis instance. """ def __init__(self, cicada_analysis): self.args_dict = dict() self.cicada_analysis = cicada_analysis
[docs] def add_argument(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ arg_analysis = AnalysisArgument(**kwargs) self.args_dict[arg_analysis.arg_name] = arg_analysis
[docs] def save_analysis_arguments_to_yaml_file(self, path_dir, yaml_file_name): """ Save the arguments value to a yaml file. The first key will represent the argument name then the value will be a dict with the argument details such as the type etc... Args: path_dir: directory in which save the yaml file yaml_file_name: yaml file name, with the extension or without (will be added in that case) Returns: """ analysis_args_for_yaml = dict() # first we add the subjects id session_identifiers = [session.identifier for session in self.cicada_analysis.get_data_to_analyse()] analysis_args_for_yaml["session_identifiers"] = session_identifiers # then we add the version of CICADA used analysis_args_for_yaml["CICADA_VERSION"] = CICADA_VERSION # print(f"save_analysis_arguments_to_yaml_file") for arg_name, analysis_arg in self.args_dict.items(): analysis_args_for_yaml[arg_name] = analysis_arg.get_all_attributes() # print(f"{arg_name}: {analysis_arg.get_all_attributes()}") if (not yaml_file_name.endswith(".yaml")) and (not yaml_file_name.endswith(".yml")): yaml_file_name = yaml_file_name + ".yaml" if not os.path.isdir(path_dir): os.mkdir(path_dir) with open(os.path.join(path_dir, yaml_file_name), 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(analysis_args_for_yaml, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
[docs] def load_analysis_argument_from_yaml_file(self, file_name): """ Set the analysis argument value based on the value in the yaml file. The Args: file_name: Returns: """ with open(file_name, 'r') as stream: # analysis_args_from_yaml = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) analysis_args_from_yaml = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader) # sys.stderr.write(f"{analysis_args_from_yaml}") for arg_name, args_content in analysis_args_from_yaml.items(): # now we check if an arg with this name exists # we also check that the attributes other than final_value match the one we want to load # otherwise it means the analysis function change since the time the file was saved and it's not safe # to us this value. # if everything is good, then we change the value in the widget accordingly if arg_name in self.args_dict: self.args_dict[arg_name].set_widget_value_from_saved_data(args_content)
[docs] def get_analysis_argument(self, arg_name): """ Args: arg_name: Returns: """ self.args_dict.get(arg_name)
[docs] def get_analysis_arguments(self, sorted=False): """ Args: sorted: Returns: """ analysis_arguments = list(self.args_dict.values()) if sorted: analysis_arguments.sort() return analysis_arguments
[docs] def set_widgets_to_default_value(self): """ Set the widgets to the default value of their AnalysisArgument Returns: """ for analysis_argument in self.args_dict.values(): analysis_argument.set_widget_to_default_value()
[docs] def set_argument_value(self, arg_name, **kwargs): """ Set an argument values, will be use to run analysis Args: arg_name: **kwargs: Returns: """ pass
[docs] def get_gui_widgets(self, group_by_family=False): """ Get the list of widgets necessary to fill the arguments for the cicada analysis associated Args: group_by_family: if True, group the widgets in one widget to be grouped together if they belong to the same family. AnalysisArgument will have an attribute named family_widget whose value is a string. Returns: """ gui_widgets = [] analysis_arguments = self.get_analysis_arguments(sorted=True) if not group_by_family: for analysis_argument in analysis_arguments: widget = analysis_argument.get_gui_widget() if widget: gui_widgets.append(widget) return gui_widgets # first we get all the families present family_widgets_dict = dict() # we're keeping just the first arg of each family and other args not in family, just to keep the order of the # args analysis_arguments_filtered = [] for analysis_argument in analysis_arguments: family_widget = analysis_argument.get_family_widget() if family_widget is not None: if family_widget in family_widgets_dict: family_widgets_dict[family_widget].append(analysis_argument) else: family_widgets_dict[family_widget] = [analysis_argument] analysis_arguments_filtered.append(analysis_argument) else: analysis_arguments_filtered.append(analysis_argument) for analysis_argument in analysis_arguments_filtered: family_widget = analysis_argument.get_family_widget() if family_widget is not None: family_gui_widgets = [] for a_a_in_family in family_widgets_dict[family_widget]: widget = a_a_in_family.get_gui_widget() if widget: family_gui_widgets.append(widget) # building the widget that will contain those of the same family gui_widgets.append(SameFamilyWidgetsContainer(widgets=family_gui_widgets)) else: widget = analysis_argument.get_gui_widget() if widget: gui_widgets.append(widget) return gui_widgets
[docs] def check_arguments_validity(self): """ Check if all mandatory arguments have been filled Returns: True if we can run the analysis """ for arg_name, analysis_argument in self.args_dict.items(): value = analysis_argument.get_argument_value() if analysis_argument.is_mandatory() and (value is None): return False return True
def run_analysis(self): kwargs = {} for arg_name, analysis_argument in self.args_dict.items(): kwargs[arg_name] = analysis_argument.get_argument_value() self.cicada_analysis.run_analysis(**kwargs)